April 01, 2024



High school friends Cornelius, Martin and Jakob came up with the idea to make delicious juice in the late summer of 2015. They were at Jakob’s college graduation party gathered around beers at a park, with the topic of discussion being the lack of a local wine tradition and culture in their country of Denmark. An estimated 5,000 tons of apples rot in orchards there every year and this just didn’t sit well with them. With the ethos and vision of natural wine, the three broke into the nearly untapped market making cider and fruit pet-nats, giving this previously forgotten fruit a new purpose. 

Their operation grew from gathering apples at nearby parks and in the backyards of friends, making the juice in their parents garages, to a full production facility in Nordhavn, sourcing from some of the best organically farmed fruit in Denmark. Using native yeasts, method ancestrale to achieve natural bubbles, and as little intervention as possible, they’re proving that fruit wines can be as complex as grape wines - and fun too! We’re seeing more and more of these co-ferments of apples, pears, and others with grapes in the market and we’re all for it. They’re vibrant, alive and some are even low ABV so they’re perfect for drinking all afternoon! Skål!
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